Welcome to
77 Caravan Club
Welcome to
77 Caravan Club
Welcome to
77 Caravan Club
Welcome to
77 Caravan Club
Hello All,
What a great year of rallying we've had so far this year!
It was lovely to see so many of you at the August Bank Holiday weekend at Norton, it's lovely to see so many members supporting the club.
It's great to see so many of our rallies being hosted by members this year, it really does make it much more fun when you come up with different ideas of entertainment.
It's coming up to that time of year again when we have the clubs AGM. There are a few committee members who are resigning from their current roles, being the Treasurer, Catering Officer and Sports Officer, and although all positions become vacant the rest of the Committee are willing to restand if the club will have them. If anyone has any questions regarding a role please feel free to contact me to discuss this further. ​
Plans are well under way for our annual Dinner and Dance. It's great to see so many people supporting it this year. I am really looking forward to a evening of music and great food.
We obviously brought back our New Year rally last year. We all had a great weekend and I believe there are even more members coming this year to celebrate the year. We are on hardstanding and have a disco planned for New Year's Eve. Remember that you are more than welcome to bring along family and friends for the evening!
Look forward to seeing you all again in a couple of weeks.
Happy rallying!